Part 2 Events is committed to embracing and celebrating a culture of diversity, inclusion and connectedness.

We believe in hiring great people from a wide variety of backgrounds.

We are proud to be a woman owned business and an equal opportunity employer.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility efforts focus on:


We strive to minimize our environmental footprint by reducing waste, conserving resources, and adopting sustainable practices in our operations.

Community Engagement

We actively engage with local communities, supporting initiatives that enhance education, healthcare, and overall well-being.

Ethical Business Practices

We uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct in our business dealings, ensuring fairness and transparency.

Employee Welfare

We value our employees and invest in their development, safety, and well-being.


We contribute to causes that align with our values, promoting positive change beyond our business.


By adhering to these principles, we aim to create a better future for all stakeholders and fulfill our CSR responsibilities.